MARCS BabyLab is a University of Western Sydney Infant Research Centre for pure and applied infant research on speech perception and language acquisition.

MARCS BabyLab is a non-profit University of Western Sydney Infant Research Centre for pure and applied infant research on speech perception and language acquisition.

The MARCS Institute is an interdisciplinary research institute of the University of Western Sydney (UWS).

The MARCS Institute Infant Research Laboratory (BabyLab) is the foremost infant laboratory in Australia, and on par with the best internationally in terms of facilities, resources, equipment and the number of participating infants.

Participation is non-invasive and typically involves your baby sitting on your lap while watching a screen and listening to different sounds. Current research includes our Seeds of Literacy project, which is a large longitudinal study investigating early risk indicators of dyslexia.

Mothers are contacted when their infant reaches an age suitable for our studies and invited to participate. All participants are free to withdraw from the program at any time without question.

Babies who participate receive:

$30 travel allowance on each visit;
Baby Science Degrees on each visit;
- Bachelors Degree on 1st visit
- Masters Degree on 2nd visit
- PhD on 3rd visit etc.
MARCS BabyLab t-shirt on the first visit;
Free parking
